Digital Company Profile

Measure and certify your company value

Do you know how much your company is worth? Create your Electron Company Profile to identify, measure and certify the intangible value of your company. 

Digital Company Profile

The greatest value of a company is immaterial: the know-how of the staff, business relationships, reputation. This value is currently not measured and is not included in the balance sheets of companies. We therefore want to give every company the opportunity to show the world its real value.

Why use the E-CP?

Discover all the advantages of using the Digital Company Profile for your company. Open the Company Profile for free and try all the features

Online Company Profile

The Company Profile can be shared online with your partners and customers to give a constantly updated presentation of the company, also attaching other documents accessible with a click.

Register Informations

Register your company informations and verify them with documents and witnesses: the software will evaluate the intangible value of the information.

Company Evaluation

The software estimates the overall value of the company, starting from the assets up to evaluating the hidden intangible assets.

Sustainability Evaluation

Evaluate the environmental, social and economic sustainability of your company with questionnaires and thanks to the data collected from stakeholders

Report & Expertise

Get a detailed report with the value of each information recorded. This report can be appraised and certified by an accountant and then be included in your company balance sheet

Find investors

Measure and certify your value: you will be able to have a much clearer view of your company and you will be able to present your company to investors.

Deposit on blockchain

Store information with Blockchain technology and protect your documents with an even more advanced level of encryption (coming soon)



Talk with your accountant

Introduce us to your accountant and we will send him the guide to make the most of the reports generated by the Asset Point Suite on the intangible assets of your company.
